Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to zero hp

Welcome indeed! In this blog I will be discussing all things dungeony and rather dragony, as I develop my home brew RPG rules into a released system.
Now before I begin, this is not a retroclone or OGL project. It is not Dungeons and Dragons and does not make any claim to be. Rather, it is a response to DnD, much the same as Tunnels & Trolls was.
I hope to capture the spirit of old school gaming, but with a system that is developed from the ground up with the benefit of decades of hindsight.
I invite you to join me, discussing the pros and cons of various game mechanics and sharing your experiences, as I build this new game.

This is gonna be fun!


  1. Hello, David!

    I, too, am working on the same thing as you: A system that, while not D&D, gives me the same feeling of adventure. I'll be following this with interest!
